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Англо-русский биологический словарь - dish


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Перевод с английского языка dish на русский


ванночка; чашка; планшет

crystallizing dishculture dishdissecting dishdouble dishexperimental dishPetri dishstaining dishStender dishwater dish

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Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  of brains мозги (блюдо) DISH out  а) раскладывать кушанье Please help me to dish out the vegetables.  б) раздавать Stand at the door and dish out the papers as the students come in. The government dishes out payments to people without jobs. DISH up  а) подавать кушанье к столу; сервировать Could you help me dish up the dinner?;  б) fig. уметь преподнести (анекдот и т.п.) Our history teacher has been disking up the same old lessons for twenty years. I hope the next speaker dishes up his arguments in a more interesting manner.  в) coll. мыть посуду DISH  1. noun  1) блюдо, тарелка, миска; pl. посуда  2) блюдо, кушанье  3) coll. девушка, красотка  4) ложбина, впадина; котлован to have a hand in the dish - быть замешанным в чем-л.  2. v.  1) класть на блюдо  2) выгибать; придавать вогнутую форму  3) coll. провести, перехитрить (особ. своих политических противников) - dish out - dish up to dish it out to smb. - дать жару кому-л. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. блюдо glass dish —- стеклянное блюдо 2. уст. миска; чашка dish of tea —- чашка чаю; чаепитие dish of gossip —- образ. болтовня 3. хим. чашка для выпаривания 4. часто pl. посуда dish rack —- подставка для сушки посуды, сушилка to wash the dishes —- помыть посуду 5. еда, блюдо, кушанье vegetable dish —- овощное блюдо cold dish —- холодное блюдо standing dish —- неизменное (дежурное) блюдо; постоянная (дежурная) тема; постоянный номер репертуара dish warmer —- приспособление для подогревания блюд to serve a dish —- подать блюдо 6. сл. что-л. хорошее; (вещь) что надо the girl is a dish —- девочка - пальчики оближешь (закачаешься) 7. полное блюдо dish of fish —- блюдо рыбы 8. плоский неглубокий сосуд 9. впадина, вмятина 10. ложбина, лощина 11. рад. параболическая антенна, "чаша" 12. авт. развал (передних колес) 13. тех. тарелка (клапана) 14. тех. кювета, ванна 15. класть на блюдо; подавать к столу to dish (up) a meal —- подать еду на стол dish up! —- подавай на стол!, собери поесть! 16. подавать, преподносить to dish up an old joke —- преподнести старый анекдот под новым соусом 17. сл. болтать; сплетничать, перемывать косточки 18. загребать ногами (о лошади) 19. разг. надувать, проводить; одурачивать to dish one's political opponents —- оставить в дураках своих политических...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  ТВ "тарелка" Спутниковая антенна. Тж. satellite dish См. satellite TV ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  ванночка; чашка; планшет – crystallizing dish – culture dish – dissecting dish – double dish – experimental dish – Petri dish – staining dish – Stender dish – water dish ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сокр. от data interchange in shipping ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) тех. антенна мискообразная 2) ванна 3) кювета 4) мискообразный 5) тарелка 6) чашка - developing dish - dish antenna - equal-energy dish - low-altitude dish - low-angle dish ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) тарелка (клапана, буфера) 2) метео ложбина, впадина 3) параболоидный гелиоконцентратор 4) параболическое зеркало, параболическая антенна; сферическое зеркало, сферическая антенна 5) чашка; кювета; ванна - crystallizing dish - developing dish - dough dish - evaporating dish - flat dish - homing dish - parabolic dish - Petri dish - radar dish - spherical dish - spheric dish - tracking dish - wheel dish ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a shallow, usu. flat-bottomed container for cooking or serving food, made of glass, ceramics, metal, etc. b the food served in a dish (all the dishes were delicious). c a particular kind of food (a meat dish). 2 (in pl.) dirty plates, cutlery, cooking pots, etc. after a meal. 3 a a dish-shaped receptacle, object, or cavity. b = satellite dish. 4 sl. a sexually attractive person. --v.tr. 1 put (food) into a dish ready for serving. 2 colloq. a outmanoeuvre. b Brit. destroy (one's hopes, chances, etc.). 3 make concave or dish-shaped. Phrases and idioms dish out sl. distribute, esp. carelessly or indiscriminately. dish up 1 serve or prepare to serve (food). 2 colloq. seek to present (facts, argument, etc.) attractively. Derivatives dishful n. (pl. -fuls). dishlike adj. Etymology: OE disc plate, bowl (with Gmc and ON cognates) f. L discus DISC ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English disc plate, from Latin discus quoit, disk, ~, from Greek diskos, from dikein to throw  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a more or less concave vessel from which food is served  b. the contents of a ~ a ~ of strawberries  2.  a. food prepared in a particular way  b. something one particularly enjoys ; cup of tea  3.  a.  (1) any of various shallow concave vessels; broadly anything shallowly concave  (2) a directional receiver having a concave usually parabolic reflector; especially one used as a microwave or radar antenna  b. the state of being concave or the degree of concavity  4.  a. something that is favored entertainment that is just his ~  b. an attractive or sexy person  5. gossip 2a the latest ~  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to put (as food for serving) into a ~ — often used with up  2. present — usually used with up  3. to make concave like a ~  4. to disclose or discuss especially publicly ~ the dirt  5. to pass (a basketball) to a teammate — often used with off  intransitive verb  1. gossip; also to disclose private or personal information  2. to pass a basketball to a teammate — often used with off ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (dishes, dishing, dished) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A dish is a shallow container with a wide uncovered top. You eat and serve food from dishes and cook food in them. ...plastic bowls and dishes... N-COUNT 2. The contents of a dish can be referred to as a dish of something. Nicholas ate a dish of spaghetti. N-COUNT: usu N of n 3. Food that is prepared in a particular style or combination can be referred to as a dish. There are plenty of vegetarian dishes to choose from. N-COUNT 4. All the objects that have been used to cook, serve, and eat a meal can be referred to as the dishes. He’d cooked dinner and washed the dishes. N-PLURAL 5. You can use dish to refer to anything that is round and hollow in shape with a wide uncovered top. ...a dish used to receive satellite broadcasts. N-COUNT: usu with supp 6. see also satellite dish, side dish 7. If you do the dishes, you wash the dishes. I hate doing the dishes. PHRASE: V inflects 8. to dish the dirt: see dirt ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a flat round container with not very high sides, from which food is served on the table  (a serving dish | a vegetable dish)  (- compare bowl1 (1)) 2 the dishes all the plates, cups, bowls etc that have been used to eat a meal and need to be washed  (do/wash the dishes)  (I'll just do the dishes before we go.) 3 food cooked or prepared in a particular way as a meal  (a wonderful pasta dish) 4 be a dish informal to be sexually attractive  (- see also side dish, satellite dish) ~2 v old-fashioned 1 dish the dirt informal to spend time talking about other people's private lives and saying unkind or shocking things about them 2 dish sb's hopes/chances especially BrE to prevent someone from doing something that they hoped to do dish sth out phr v informal 1 to give something to various people in a careless way  (We'll probably dish out some leaflets there too. | Portnoy still tends to dish out unwanted advice.) 2 to serve food to people  (Sam's dishing out sandwiches if you want one.) 3 sb can dish it out but they can't take it used to say that someone is quick to criticize others but does not accept criticism well dish up phr v to put food for a meal into dishes, ready to be eaten  (dish sth up)  (Could you dish up the vegetables? They're there, on the sideboard.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  electron. abbr. Digital Integration Super Hornet funny abbr. Digital Information Sky Highway NASDAQ abbr. Echostar Communications Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. disc "plate, bowl, platter," borrowed c.700 from L. discus "dish, platter, quoit," from Gk. diskos "disk, platter." Meaning of "variety of food served" is first recorded c.1450. Verb meaning "to disparage, denigrate" first recorded 1940s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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